Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

The world is currently experiencing the greatest transformation of information and communication ever seen.

Technology and the internet have given way to a level playing field, globally.

Whether you are a retailer located on William St, Bathurst or a European online clothing store, the two are now in competition.

The difference between the two is the way in which they use technology and the online environment to sell their products.

Morse Digital Services was established with a view to assist our clients to navigate the digital technological age, to grow businesses, improve systems and to keep local businesses operating competitively at a higher level.

Our digital marketing consulting services include:

  • Develop and implement social media marketing initiatives.
  • Coordinate the delivery of all marketing campaigns relating to the relevant social media channels including but not limited to Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
  • Manage the design and distribution of e-newsletters, communications, and client added value collateral
  • Coordinate the information, architecture, aesthetics and content of websites.
  • Manage edits to websites; ensuring landing pages are accurate and effective.
  • Develop robust SEO/SEM strategies
  • Outsourced digital marketing advice for sole and small accounting practices.

Learn how to Market you services online the right way, by reaching out to Morse Group's Marketing specialist.

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